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Trichology with Andrea Clark

Often there is a combination of issues to address and Andrea will work with your doctor, other specialists and with your Glow hairstylist to ensure your scalp and hair is getting the best treatment and so that further hair loss is minimised. 

The cost of a 1 hours consultation with Andrea is $1350


The consultation  - What should I expect?


A one-hour consultation will involve lots of discussions, an examination of the scalp and hair and a follow-up report documenting the suggested recommendations and treatments. 

Andrea is currently working between Melbourne, Australia and Hong Kong. She is available for zoom consultations when she is in Melbourne, or onsite at Glow when she is in Hong Kong. 


Typical discussions will include 

  • Diet

  • Lifestyle

  • Medical and family history

  • Sleep

  • Stress


Scalp examination and Pull Test

  • A pull test will check the amount of hair shedding

  • A handheld microscope is used to examine the scalp

  • Follow up report will be written and sent via email with suggestions, recommendations or any programs discussed


Prior to your appointment
  • shampoo the day prior to your appointment so you leave at least 24hours between shampooing and seeing Andrea. 

  • bring any current blood tests

  • a list of current medications and any relevant information about the medication

  • a list of supplements and any relevant information about the supplements


Introducing Andrea Clark our certified visiting consultant Trichologist -  Andrea is a hair and scalp specialist and a qualified member of the International Association of Trichologists.


A Trichologists approach is to holistically investigate the underlying causes of hair loss and scalp problems for both men and women. This involves asking questions, taking into account lifestyle, medical history, diet and personal wellbeing in order to identify and recommend a course of treatment or lifestyle changes that are designed to address the hair loss issue.  The hair and scalp are also examined to identify symptoms of scalp problems and signs of hair loss.


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